Installation check

PHP version: 7.4.33 (OK)

PHP config: '/etc/php/7.4/fpm/php.ini'

GD version: 2.3.3 (OK)

PHP.INI value for 'memory_limit': 1028M (OK)

PHP.INI value for 'post_max_size': 800M (OK)

PHP.INI value for 'upload_max_filesize': 500M (OK)

Write access to config directory: (OK)

Write access to storage directory: (OK)

Welcome to ResourceSpace

This configuration script will help you setup ResourceSpace. This process only needs to be completed once. Required items are marked with a *

Visit the ResourceSpace Knowledge Base for more information about customizing your installation.

Database configuration


The IP address or FQDN of your MySQL server installation. If MySql is installed on the same server as your web server, use "localhost".

* ?

The username used to connect to your MySQL server. This user must have rights to create tables in the database named below.


The password for the MySQL username entered above.


The username used to connect to your MySQL server in read-only mode. This user must have SELECT rights only. It is optional and does NOT require rights to create tables or insert data.


The password for the MySQL username entered above.


The Name of the MySQL database RS will use. (This database must exist.)


The path to the MySQL client binaries - e.g. mysqldump. NOTE: This is only needed if you plan to use the export tool.

General settings


The name of your implementation / installation (e.g. 'MyCompany Resource System').


The 'base' web address for this installation. NOTE: No trailing slash.


The username used to connect to ResourceSpace. This user will be the first user of the system.


The password for the Admin username entered above.


The address that emails from RS appear to come from.


For each path, enter the path without a trailing slash to each binary. To disable a binary, leave the path blank. Any auto-detected paths have already been filled in.

SMTP Settings


Use an external SMTP server for outgoing emails (e.g. Gmail). Uses PHPMailer


'', 'tls' or 'ssl'. For Gmail, 'tls' or 'ssl' is required.


Hostname, e.g. ''.


Port number, e.g. 465 for Gmail using SSL.


Send credentials to SMTP server (false to use anonymous access)


Username (full email address).



